Ephedrine Sulfate Injection

Available in ready-to-use
(RTU) vials

50 mg/10 mL (5 mg/mL)

Ephedrine sulfate injection premixed vials

Ephedrine Sulfate Injection Product Details

Ephedrine Sulfate Injection RTU vials require no compounding, diluting, or mixing and provide extended dating compared with compounded products.1-3* Ephedrine Sulfate Injection RTU vials are preservative-free, latex-free, and compatible with most automated dispensing machines.

Strength50 mg/10 mL
(5 mg/mL)
Fill Volume10 mL SDV
Pack Size1

M&D: Morris & Dickson; NDC: National Drug Code; SDV: single-dose vial.

Explore TruDelivery® RTU portfolio

(epinephrine in 0.9% sodium chloride injection)

Ready-to-use premixed bags
Adrenalin® ready-to-use premixed bags

Not actual size.

Bivalirudin Injection

Ready-to-use bottles
Bivalirudin injection ready-to-use bottles

Not actual size.

Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride Injection

Ready-to-use bottles
Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride injection ready-to-use bottles

Not actual size.

Ephedrine Sulfate

Premixed vials
Ephedrine sulfate injection premixed vials

Not actual size.

Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection, USP

Prefilled syringes
Naloxone carton and prefilled syringe

Not actual size.

PREVDUO® (neostigmine methylsulfate and glycopyrrolate) Injection

Prefilled syringes
Prevduo carton and prefilled syringe

Not actual size.

(vasopressin in 5% dextrose injection)

Ready-to-use bottles
Vasostrict ready-to-use bottles

Not actual size.


For Category 3 compounded sterile preparations (CSP), the maximum beyond-use date (BUD) is 90 days at controlled room temperature (CRT), 120 days in refrigerator, and 180 days in freezer2 versus shelf life of 2 years at CRT for Adrenalin®, Dexmedetomidine, Ephedrine, Naloxone, and PREVDUO®3-7; 12 months at CRT and 2 years in refrigerator for Vasostrict®8; 72 hours at CRT and 18 months in refrigerator for Bivalirudin.9,10